OfficeTalk Technical Specification
OfficeTalk is a Microsoft Windows on-line transaction processing solution for workgroup computing. It is written in Microsoft Visual C++ and utilises Microsoft Foundation Classes. It requires MS Windows 3.1x or greater clients.
It provides a Central Workgroup Data Structure which uses Btrieve as its underlying record manager and will run across any network that provides access to a shared DOS directory.
OfficeTalk Client
OfficeTalk has a 16 bit client that runs on Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95 and NT. The OfficeTalk executable is 2.5Mb. A full installation with associated files (Help, etc.) but excluding data, will take up well under 3.5Mb. Running under Windows 3.11, OfficeTalk will typically use between 7% and 9% of Windows system resources.
Underlying Database
OfficeTalk is supplied with the Btrieve Version 5.1 Client and can be run with the Btrieve Version 6 Client or Btrieve Version 5 or 6 Client/Server. Sareen Software have not found any significant performance advantages when running Btrieve Client/Server.
Provided that the network is fast enough and has sufficient available band width, there is no specific limit to the size of an OfficeTalk workgroup. A realistic maximum is in the region of 500 to 600 users. The largest installation to date has a workgroup of 300 users. As a measure of performance, users in this workgroup access any other colleague's diary in under 5 seconds.
ODBC Data Access
ODBC data access is available for users of the OfficeTalk Data Access Toolkit.
Wide Area Network Support
As realistic minimum, OfficeTalk can run satisfactorily over WANs connected by Kilostream lines (256Kb per second). Initial load times are significantly improved when running over Megastream lines (1Mb per second plus).
System Requirements
- Windows 3.1x minimum specification
386SX25 with 4mb RAM and 10mb swap file running Windows 3.1
- Windows 3.1x recommended minimum specification
486SX25 with 8mb RAM and 10mb swap file running Windows 3.11
- Windows 95 minimum specification
486SX25 with 8mb RAM
- Windows 95 recommended minimum specification
486DX2/66 with 16mb RAM
- Windows NT minimum specification
486DX2/66 with 16mb RAM
- Windows NT recommended minimum specification
Pentium P120 with 24mb RAM
Installation Recommendations
- Peer to Peer and slow networks;
Install the executable on the local machine to reduce network traffic and load times.
- Server-based networks;
Run the executable from the server to make upgrades easier.
- Portables used for working off-line;
Install the executable on the portable to reduce disconnection times.
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Copyright © 1996 Sareen Software Plc
Last Updated: 24/9/96
Webmaster: Karl Flower